Huck was a great dog, very therapeutic for Al, he was very devoted and loving with the strong will to live and pull through so many surgeries. He was about 12 years old. He gave and gave to us! Loved rocks, silly boy. After we adopted him, he had his mouth done, and then major surgery on his back. UC Davis was sure he would never walk again but don’t underestimate a shorthair. He got pneumonia and they said he would not make it, but he did and was walking – walking funny, but walking. At least he was out of most of his pain. This time, his leg swelled up and he decided he was too tired to keep going, but he tried for us. He was ready to leave us, we were not ready for him to go. The decision was best for him. We will have his medical bills for years but no regrets as he paid us back in love and therapy for Al. He will be missed!
-Charlotte and Al