Foster a GSP

If you've ever considered fostering, now is the time to open your home to a needy GSP. To foster a GSP, you:

Two men waiting at a veterinary office with a GSP

  • Give good ear rubs,
  • Never get tired of playing fetch,
  • Are a good cuddler,
  • Look forward to a happy tail wag when you get home,
  • Have a soft spot for a wet dog nose as your alarm clock, and
  • Most importantly, you're ready to save the life of a homeless GSP with a warm bed, good food, and a safe home.

Satisfy those requirements? Read on to learn about becoming a foster home and complete the foster application - Northern California residents only (Visalia to Oregon border).

Foster homes are priceless to us! Without foster homes, we cannot rescue dogs from shelters. We always need more foster homes because there are always dogs that need us. Some of our foster homes foster continuously, some from time to time, and others just to cover vacations.

Foster homes are first in line to adopt their foster dog if they fall in love. If it's a forever match, you can make it official!
Don't let concerns over getting too attached stop you from helping to save a life.

How does it work?

1) Complete the foster application. Our foster team will contact you to give you an overview of the fostering process, answer any questions you may have, and find out a little more about you. Not sure or need more information? Contact us.

2) Talk to our foster team and schedule a home visit. A member of our team will contact you to talk more about fostering, and work with you to schedule a home visit, which may be in-person or virtual. The purpose of the home visit is to help you prepare your house and yard with an emphasis on safety for the foster dog.

3) Indicate interest in a shelter dog. Once approved to foster, you will be added to our foster home email list. All foster requests are sent to that list. We do not accept dogs into the rescue program unless we have a foster home confirmed for them. Respond to the request if you are interested in fostering the available dog. The dog will be brought into rescue, taken to the vet to be spayed/neutered, and receive all necessary shots and check-ups. The dog is then transported to your home.

4) Fostering a GSP. You care for the dog until he or she is adopted. Most dogs remain in their foster homes a few months. We require the dog to be in foster care at least two weeks before adoption. Special procedures apply for puppies.

A volunteer sitting in a chaire with two GSPs at his feet; one GSP is sitting on top of the other

You provide:

  • Food & Treats
  • Bedding and Leash
  • Love
  • Exercise and very basic training

We take care of:

  • Vet bills
  • Medications
  • Heartworm and flea preventative
  • Training sessions
  • Collar, harness, and other supplies as needed

The rescue is also here to help with advice and support during the fostering process. You are never alone when fostering! We are always here for you.

5) Post-adoption. Once your dog has been placed with a family, you can determine when you are ready for the next one. Some people accept dogs back-to-back, others take breaks in between, it is up to you.

A volunteer throwing a ball into the water, 3 GSPs looking on

If you are not certain about fostering a GSP, the best way to find out is to try it! Go through the process as described above, and if you like it, you can continue to be a foster home. If it doesn’t work out for you or your situation, just let us know. We'd love to still have your help in other capacities!

Please note: foster volunteers must be 18 or older.

Not ready to foster? Consider other volunteer opportunities.

Don’t have time right now? Consider making a donation to help the dogs.


Hello, how can I help you today?
I'm ready to adopt, take me to the adoption questionnaire
How do I complete the foster application?
I'm ready to volunteer, show me where to apply
I'd like to donate
I'm considering rehoming my GSP
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