Foster Dog Report

Each week, please add any NEW information or updates. Thank you!


Foster Dog Report - Weeks 1 - 4+

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Select week number*


Our ability to match your foster dog to the right home is only as good as the information we get from you! If there are any problems, we like to identify them ASAP and get them addressed. After Week 1, you need only complete those questions where you have more info or something has changed.
Include any suggested additional requirements/restrictions, such a being an only dog, children must be older than xx age, etc. so that the Case Manager / Foster Coordinator has information in making the final decision.


Upload photos of any medical concerns, such as how a wound is healing, how sutures look, skin conditions, tracking the size of a mass or lump, etc.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 20.


    Include ages
    Include male and/or female
    Especially cats and small dogs
    Horses, goats, birds, small animals like hamsters

    New behaviors

    Is your foster dog showing any new behaviors or changes to previously identified behaviors?*
    Please check any of the following that apply
    Guarding of

    Guarding from

    Include details re: frequency, triggers, etc
    Include what, when, where, why
    Include details
    Include specifics
    Discomfort with

    Car rides
    Include details of who, what, when
    Separation issues - when you are out of sight or have left the dog alone


    Were your questions answered?
    Are your training instructions clear (examples: homework, specific skills to work on, situations to avoid)?
    How was the length of the session?
    If follow-up sessions are recommended, do you prefer:
    Would you prefer to work with the same trainer?
    Overall, how would you rate your training experience with the trainer?


    At this point, are you considering adopting your foster dog?*

    New Photos and Videos

    Please send photos and videos to Dogs with good photos generate more interest and get adopted more quickly!
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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