1-Week Post-Adoption Survey

1-Week Post-Adoption Survey

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Congratulations on your new best friend!

NorCal GSP Rescue is here to support you as your new dog settles into your home. Please take 5 minutes to complete this quick survey to give us an update on how your GSP is doing. We'd appreciate a response within a week. You're also welcome to send photos of your new dog to photo@norcalgsprescue.org. We love seeing photos of former foster dogs in their forever homes!
How well is your new GSP adjusting to your home?

To select multiple on a desktop, hold Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) key while making selections. To select multiple on a phone or tablet, just tap each selection.
Is your new dog experiencing any health issues?

Are any of these health problems new (not identified before adoption)?

Is your new dog experiencing any behavior problems (not identified before adoption)?

Have you signed your new dog up for training since adoption?

Would you like NorCal GSP Rescue to call you to discuss a health, adjustment or behavior problem your dog is having?
You can expect a call back within 72 hrs. For any urgent problems, please contact your vet.
How satisfied were you with the friendliness and knowledge base of volunteers during your adoption experience?

How satisfied were you with the communication during your adoption experience?

How satisfied were you with the home visit/home self-check process (if applicable) during your adoption experience?
The home visit safety check process may be a self-check using our online form, or a virtual or in-person check by one of our volunteers.

How satisfied were you with the overall adoption experience?

Foster-to-Adopt participants only: How satisfied were you with your foster experience and your case manager?

For your convenience, you can upload photos or files here (or email to photo@norcalgsprescue.org).
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 15.
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