Adoption Questionnaire

Thanks for your interest in adopting a rescued GSP. This questionnaire is the first step in our adoption process.

Our primary adoption service area is Northern California and Northern Nevada. While priority is given to residents within our service area, we now accept questionnaires from residents in the western United States and Canada. Specifically California, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, British Columbia and Yukon. 

An important note: We do not ship dogs. You must come to Northern California to meet and pick up your new dog. 

For Southern California residents, we ask that you first work with The California GSP Rescue, our colleagues will be happy to assist you. Southern California residents USE THIS FORM

For Oregon, we ask that you first work with GSP Club of Oregon Re-Home Referral, our colleague Patti is an excellent resource for Oregon. Contact Patti

For all other areas, find a rescue in your area via the Regional Rescue Group List through National GSP Rescue.


Please be patient! We have had an unusually high number of questionnaire submissions and our adoption team is doing their best to catch up. While we normally respond within 5 business days, it is likely to be up to 10 business days before you hear back. Thank you for your understanding!

Adoption Questionnaire - Short Form

"*" indicates required fields

Contact Information

Does your phone accept text messages?*

Your Home

How many adults in your household / on your property?*
How many?
Birth years, separated by a comma.
How many children in your household / on your property?*
How many?
Birth years, separated by a comma. If none, enter 0.
How many dogs in your household / on your property?*
How many?
Birth years, separated by a comma. If none, enter 0.
How many cats in your household / on your property?*
How many?
Birth years, separated by a comma. If none, enter 0.
Does your living situation allow you to have a dog of GSP size (most GSPs are over 50 lbs)?*

Your Lifestyle & Experience

What is the activity level at your home?*
Such as work-from-home, work-away-from-home, stay-at-home-parent, travel, retired, active, etc.
To select multiple on a desktop, hold Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) key while making selections. To select multiple on a phone or tablet, just tap each selection.

Your Dog

To select multiple on a desktop, hold Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) key while making selections. To select multiple on a phone or tablet, just tap each selection.
Gender preferred*
To select multiple on a desktop, hold Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) key while making selections. To select multiple on a phone or tablet, just tap each selection.
(Northern California residents ONLY) If we do not currently have a GSP that matches your requirements, would you be interested in more information about our fostering program? Foster homes have the first option to adopt their foster dog if it's the right match.*


Do you currently have applications submitted with other rescues and/or shelters?*
Electronic signature*

You will receive a response via email from the adoption team. Be sure to check your EMAIL and SPAM FOLDER!

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Hello, how can I help you today?
I am ready to adopt, take me to the adoption questionnaire
How do I complete the foster application?
I am ready to volunteer, show me where to apply
Show me how to donate to NorCal GSP Rescue
I am considering rehoming my GSP
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