Your donation makes a vital difference in saving the lives of German Shorthaired Pointers! We rely completely on the kindness and generosity of individual donors like you - we receive no government funding. Donate today and feel the joy!
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your contribution is deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor.
If you’d prefer to write a check, please make it payable to NorCal GSP Rescue and send it to:
NorCal GSP Rescue
P.O. Box 933
Menlo Park, CA 94026
Or use our optional Print and Mail Your Donation form.
We never share any information about our donors, but may publicly recognize individuals on our website or other electronic or print materials.
Please let us know if you prefer to be excluded from any public disclosures.
How does your donation help?
$5 = Flea/tick treatment
$10 = Heartworm preventative
$25 = 5 days of pain meds
$50 = Microchip
$100 = Vaccinations for 2 dogs
$150 = Two vet visits
$250 = Dog food for 3 months
$500 = Emergency vet visit
$1,000 = Spay or 2 neuters
$5,000 = Annual boarding costs
$10,000 = One orthopedic surgery
$50,000 = Surgeries for a year
$100,000 = Funds vet costs for a year
With your help, we never have to turn away a dog that's older or needs extensive care.
More Ways to Support NorCal GSP Rescue

Company Matching / Volunteer Grants
A company match is when companies provide funds to match an employee's donation. Retirees and spouses are often eligible too. Couples with different employers may be eligible for a match from each employer. A volunteer grant is when companies provide a donation for every hour an employee volunteers or once the employee reaches a certain threshold.

Workplace Giving
Your employer may offer convenient payroll deduction, whether for a one-time gift or a monthly Guardian Angel donation, through a portal such as Benevity or YourCause, or via the United Way. Ask your HR department. California State Employees use code 25893 for Our Promise.
Tribute Giving
Pay tribute to a special person or pet while supporting NorCal GSP Rescue's dogs. We can also create custom tribute pages for you - for memorials, weddings, and other important occasions. Learn more on our Tribute Giving page.
Sponsor a GSP
Sponsor a Foster or Forever Foster GSP! Select a specific dog or make a general sponsorship donation. You can sponsor more than one GSP, and each GSP can have more than one sponsor.
Planned Giving
Find out how to create your legacy of generosity today and help GSPs for years to come. Plus, make your will or trust for free in about 20 minutes with our FreeWill online tool.
Donor-Advised Funds, Stock & Crypto Gifts
Learn more about the advantages a DAF can provide for you. See the tax benefits making a stock gift can give you, and follow our easy instructions. Plus, how to gift cryptocurrencies.
Shop and Help
Check out more ways to help the dogs, including some that are free!
All funds raised will be used to benefit our programs and animals.
If a particular need has been met, any funds above and beyond will be used to help other dogs in need.