
Gilmore arrived at the shelter with severe wounds, including a leg with multiple fractures. The shelter asked us to take him since he was going to need surgery and a closely supervised recovery period. Our team sprung into action to get him the care he needed. We had an orthopedic surgeon complete a complicated repair. His foster home gave him the loving attention he needed–including for his severe separation anxiety. Once on the mend, Gilmore showed what an affectionate and goofy guy he could be, even learning to ‘smile’ (show his teeth) on command. He won the hearts of his fosterers, who decided to keep him, especially since he got along so well with Tiva, their Black Lab. Thank you, Kelly and Christi, for fostering and adopting Gilmore. And thanks to all our who donated to help pay Gilmore’s medical bills.

Gilmore with his new Mom and Dad.

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