Thank You to Our Volunteers!

For our volunteers, it's all about the dogs! To celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week, here are just a few ways our volunteers make a difference for GSPs in need:

They rescue very scared dogs from the shelter:

And then fly the dogs to a better life:

Or drive the dogs:


They give the dogs baths (even when they're not so thrilled about it):

And take the dogs to the vet:

They work on training with the dogs:

They represent NorCal GSP Rescue at events:

And dress up their car to be a billboard for the rescue:

And donate coats for the dogs, especially the seniors:

They run with the dogs (we all know these GSPs need it!)

And even let the dogs take over the patio furniture:

And also the comfiest spot in the house:

Or at least they let the dog share the comfy spot:

They care for the dogs through tough medical recoveries:

Including taking them to physical therapy sessions:

And care for those dogs who only have a short time left:

Volunteers promote the dogs by taking cute selfies with them:

And even professional quality photos!

They take the dogs on hikes:

And on roadtrips to see the sights:

They order them puppuccinos:

And feed them breakfast in bed when they aren't feeling well:

They spend long hours caring for litters of rescued puppies:

And make sure the puppies get lots of socialization:

And that all the dogs get socialized with all sorts of animals:

They collect donations for the dogs:

And give lots of kisses to the dogs:

Plus so much more! There is also tons of behind-the-scenes action happening every day to ensure GSPs in need get the second chance they deserve. THANK YOU to all our volunteers!

If you'd like to join this group of awesome people who save GSPs, let us know! The more volunteers, the more GSPs we can save. We look forward to welcoming you to the team!











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