Franny and Ellsie

Franny and Ellsie – Together Forever!

Who ever thought we’d use the phrase “lucky dogs” on this mother-daughter pair? Franny and her daughter Ellsie spent their early years chained up in a backyard. They came to us unspayed, and heartworm-positive. Treatment required them to be confined and kept quiet for months, which they endured patiently (thank you Dalia, Chance, Sally, Cheryl and Chris for fostering these girls).

Once they were finally healthy, they were pretty keyed up. This made them a bit challenging to place, but they got lucky. They’ve been adopted by a loving family with a huge back yard chock full of trees and squirrels, with someone home all the time to shower them with the attention and care they deserve. Best yet, they will never have to be apart.

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