Barley – passed away July 15, 2024

Let me tell you a story about loyalty. In September of 2012, my next foster dog, Barley, was placed in my vehicle at the veterinarian’s office. So afraid after what one can only imagine had been a traumatic time in this young pup’s life, she bravely went along for the ride. And oh, what a ride it would be for both of us.

The next several weeks were spent earning her trust. Barley immediately bonded with the resident doggie friends, a couple of goofy labs and a very driven GSP (we all know the type). Neither of the humans could really get close to her without completely unnerving her. In those weeks, she learned the joy of running and playing with her fur friends. Lured with treats and gentleness, she slowly lowered her barricade to the humans. Until one day, we knew that we had earned that trust when she gave her approving kiss. And what a sweet kiss that was.

The years took us through valleys and mountains together. She was always the one waiting by the door, through it all, waiting for me to come home. The waiting, by the gate, door or any threshold that symbolized where I would return to, became her signature. She was as loyal as they come. Anywhere we would move, anywhere we would go, as long as she was with me then her world was okay.

When it was time for her to be called home, as painful as moving was, she would follow me from room to room. We finally agreed to rest together. She was under my desk one final time as I typed this tribute about her; both of us loyally waiting together for our vet to arrive.

In the waiting, our souls share a love, a love so strong that a rainbow bridge cannot separate that bond. Go now, find that light, we will always be together my loyal Barley, a foster success. And what a ride we have had!

–Christina L.

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