Karley – passed away August 14, 2024

Beloved GSP Karley died of old age on August 14 in Santa Fe, NM. We adopted her and her son Tucker in October 2021 as it was hard to find a home for them.

Karley was shy and reserved. She liked to wrestle with Tucker and roam in the horse pasture when the donkeys weren’t around—mortal enemies of dogs! As she aged she started losing her stability and mostly loved lying in her kennel and looking out at the others playing. (She was always very active at food time though.) Shankha was her favorite and she followed him around everywhere as best she could even when she had lost her ability to see and hear—and walk for that matter!

She died peacefully. We did the traditional Buddhist rites so that she will have a human rebirth. Practitioners at various Buddhist centers around the country are also making prayers for her.

We will miss her. She wasn’t with us long but was a dear member of our five-dogs-two horses-two donkeys-plus-two-humans family.

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